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B. SECSTATE 163955 Classified By: DCM THOMAS COUNTRYMAN. REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D). 1. (C) SUMMARY: Greece saw Annapolis as a "very positive step," particularly in the commitment shown by both the Israelis and Palestinians, according to top Greek Middle East expert Ambassador Papaioannou, who accompanied FM Bakoyannis to the conference. It was important now to keep up the momentum. Greece believed only an international PKO on the lines of UNIFIL in Lebanon could control Hamas in Gaza, and Greece was willing to offer troops to such a force. Greece would also be "very glad" to host future negotiations and had proposed a Next Generation Initiative to bring young Israelis and alestinians to Greece for confidence-building conferences and meetings. DFM Doukas will attend the December 17 Paris Donors' Conference. Greece had not yet decided on a donation but was considering sponsoring a hospital for children. END SUMMARY. A BRILLIANT DIPLOMATIC SUCCESS ------------------------------ 2. (C) On December 11, we discussed next steps after the Annapolis Conference, including the December 17 Paris Donors' Conference (refs a and b), with FM Bakoyannis' top Middle East expert (who had attended the conference with Bakoyannis), Ambassador Vassilis Papaioannou head of the MFA A6 Middle East Directorate, as well as Papaioannou's deputy, Giorgos Ayfantis. Papaioannou said Annapolis was a "very positive step" for the peace process and one much needed at this moment. Bakoyannis was also "very positive" on the outcome -- which had been a "big concern" until the last minute when it became apparent that there would be a joint declaration on the way forward. Indeed, Ayfantis said the way President Bush had dealt with the joint delaration "outflanked" the skeptical Arab counries, who were convinced it would fail, and represented a "diplomatic success brilliantly played." GREECE WILLING TO CONTRIBUTE PEACE-KEEPERS ------------------------------------------ 3. (C) Key to the success of Annapolis, Papaioannou said, was the show of commitment by both Palestinians and Israelis to work together. The process, of course, remained a difficult one, but their commitment energized the process and gave reason for hope. The important thing now was to maintain momentum. But the "elephant in the room," Ayfantis said, was Gaza and Hamas. The Palestinians, as well as the Israelis, had to show self-restraint, but we could not expect Abbas alone to be able to control the situation on his side. Only an international presence could head off violence. 4. (C) Ayfantis said Israeli DefMin Barak wanted to push the Palestinian population from Gaza into Egypt then let the Egyptians sort out the Hamas elements from other Palestinians, who would be allowed to return. This idea greatly concerned Bakoyannis, however, since it was likely to lead to a flare up in violence on the ground and a strong reaction from Muslims worldwide. A better solution, according to Ayfantis, was an international presence to curb the extremists, as UNIFIL was doing in Lebanon. Greece had already told European allies it was willing to participate in such a force. Ayfantis said there was even a suggestion afoot to make this the inaugural mission for the joint Greek-Turkish peacekeeping battalion, as envisioned in Greek-Turkish confidence building measures. Not only would this help strengthen Greek-Turkish ties, but a combined Orthodox-Muslim force would be especially appropriate in the Palestinian context since the Palestinian population contained elements of both religions. 5. (C) Ayfantis said the Scandinavians were the most supportive of an international PKO mission, while the British and Dutch -- and to a lesser extent, the French -- were strongly opposed. British opposition evidently stemmed from a preference for supporting Tony Blair's efforts. But while Greece wished Blair every success, he couldn't "work miracles." GREECE AS SITE FOR FUTURE TALKS ------------------------------- 6. (C) Papaioannou said Greece would be "very glad" to host negotiations. It was widely seen as an interlocutor accepted by all sides and had a strong interest in working for peace in its own neighborhood. Moreover, Greece -- and the island of Rhodes, in particular -- had previously played the role of host for Middle East negotiations in the late 1940s. For more than the last ten years, Greece was also the site for one set of "track two" Middle East discussions (the latest round of which begins this week outside Athens co-funded by the GOG and NDU through UCLA). 7. (C) But whether or not Greece hosted negotiations, FM Bakoyannis was also proposing a "Next Generation Initiative" to bring young Israelis and Palestinians to Greece to give them time together in a peaceful, stable, yet semi-familiar environment. Ayfantis explained that Greece saw itself as a country of similar geography and climate as Israel/Palestine that had itself experienced much violence but now lived in peace. In response to our question how an essentially mono-cultural society such as Orthodox Greece could be a model for the Israelis and Palestinians, Ayfantis said Israel/Palestine was similar insofar as it had been partitioned much as Greece, Turkey, and the Balkan countries had been in the early 20th century. Israel now needed to find peace with its neighbors, as Greece had done. PARIS CONFERENCE ---------------- 8. (C) Papaioannou said Deputy FM Petros Doukas would attend the December 17 Paris Donors' Conference and would make a pledge on Greek contributions, which were as yet undecided, though FM Bakoyannis had said Greek projects should be efficient and visible. One option under consideration was a Greek-sponsored hospital for children. Greece would finance, construct, and manage the hospital through a partnership arrangement with a Greek public hospital. Bakoyannis would also seek Greek private donations. Palestinian personnel would be brought to Greece for training, while Greek personnel would be sent to Palestine to work in the hospital. COMMENT ------- 9. (C) The Greeks are obviously very energized about the peace process and want to help. MFA sources tell us PM Karamanlis is somewhat cautious, but FM Bakoyannis is very eager to move ahead. She is driven by an awareness of te importance of the issue and a calculation tht Greek assistance in this area could help Greece's image when it is looking obstreperous on Macedonia and NATO. Bakoyannis is also undoubtedly concerned about her legacy and wants an international success to help offset domestic political blow-back should Greece be forced to swallow a FYROM/Macedonia NATO accession on terms other than its own. 10. (C) Greece's apparent willingness to contribute troops to an international PKO for Gaza is evidence of this strong commitment, particularly in light of Greece's unwillingness to lift caveats on its troops in Afghanistan despite great pressure from NATO allies. Greece would probably also make a good location for negotiations. Close to the Middle East yet in Europe, Greece could be good neutral territory for talks. It also continues to enjoy the benefit of U.S. counterterrorism assistance from the time of the 2004 Olympic Games and has much experience in hosting international visitors. SPECKHARD

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C O N F I D E N T I A L ATHENS 002336 SIPDIS C O R R E C T E D C O P Y (TEXT) SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/11/2017 TAGS: PREL, PGOV, KWBG, KPAL, AMGT, KPAO, GR, IS, LE SUBJECT: GREECE EAGER TO HELP AFTER ANNAPOLIS REF: A. SECSTATE 162337 B. SECSTATE 163955 Classified By: DCM THOMAS COUNTRYMAN. REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D). 1. (C) SUMMARY: Greece saw Annapolis as a "very positive step," particularly in the commitment shown by both the Israelis and Palestinians, according to top Greek Middle East expert Ambassador Papaioannou, who accompanied FM Bakoyannis to the conference. It was important now to keep up the momentum. Greece believed only an international PKO on the lines of UNIFIL in Lebanon could control Hamas in Gaza, and Greece was willing to offer troops to such a force. Greece would also be "very glad" to host future negotiations and had proposed a Next Generation Initiative to bring young Israelis and alestinians to Greece for confidence-building conferences and meetings. DFM Doukas will attend the December 17 Paris Donors' Conference. Greece had not yet decided on a donation but was considering sponsoring a hospital for children. END SUMMARY. A BRILLIANT DIPLOMATIC SUCCESS ------------------------------ 2. (C) On December 11, we discussed next steps after the Annapolis Conference, including the December 17 Paris Donors' Conference (refs a and b), with FM Bakoyannis' top Middle East expert (who had attended the conference with Bakoyannis), Ambassador Vassilis Papaioannou head of the MFA A6 Middle East Directorate, as well as Papaioannou's deputy, Giorgos Ayfantis. Papaioannou said Annapolis was a "very positive step" for the peace process and one much needed at this moment. Bakoyannis was also "very positive" on the outcome -- which had been a "big concern" until the last minute when it became apparent that there would be a joint declaration on the way forward. Indeed, Ayfantis said the way President Bush had dealt with the joint delaration "outflanked" the skeptical Arab counries, who were convinced it would fail, and represented a "diplomatic success brilliantly played." GREECE WILLING TO CONTRIBUTE PEACE-KEEPERS ------------------------------------------ 3. (C) Key to the success of Annapolis, Papaioannou said, was the show of commitment by both Palestinians and Israelis to work together. The process, of course, remained a difficult one, but their commitment energized the process and gave reason for hope. The important thing now was to maintain momentum. But the "elephant in the room," Ayfantis said, was Gaza and Hamas. The Palestinians, as well as the Israelis, had to show self-restraint, but we could not expect Abbas alone to be able to control the situation on his side. Only an international presence could head off violence. 4. (C) Ayfantis said Israeli DefMin Barak wanted to push the Palestinian population from Gaza into Egypt then let the Egyptians sort out the Hamas elements from other Palestinians, who would be allowed to return. This idea greatly concerned Bakoyannis, however, since it was likely to lead to a flare up in violence on the ground and a strong reaction from Muslims worldwide. A better solution, according to Ayfantis, was an international presence to curb the extremists, as UNIFIL was doing in Lebanon. Greece had already told European allies it was willing to participate in such a force. Ayfantis said there was even a suggestion afoot to make this the inaugural mission for the joint Greek-Turkish peacekeeping battalion, as envisioned in Greek-Turkish confidence building measures. Not only would this help strengthen Greek-Turkish ties, but a combined Orthodox-Muslim force would be especially appropriate in the Palestinian context since the Palestinian population contained elements of both religions. 5. (C) Ayfantis said the Scandinavians were the most supportive of an international PKO mission, while the British and Dutch -- and to a lesser extent, the French -- were strongly opposed. British opposition evidently stemmed from a preference for supporting Tony Blair's efforts. But while Greece wished Blair every success, he couldn't "work miracles." GREECE AS SITE FOR FUTURE TALKS ------------------------------- 6. (C) Papaioannou said Greece would be "very glad" to host negotiations. It was widely seen as an interlocutor accepted by all sides and had a strong interest in working for peace in its own neighborhood. Moreover, Greece -- and the island of Rhodes, in particular -- had previously played the role of host for Middle East negotiations in the late 1940s. For more than the last ten years, Greece was also the site for one set of "track two" Middle East discussions (the latest round of which begins this week outside Athens co-funded by the GOG and NDU through UCLA). 7. (C) But whether or not Greece hosted negotiations, FM Bakoyannis was also proposing a "Next Generation Initiative" to bring young Israelis and Palestinians to Greece to give them time together in a peaceful, stable, yet semi-familiar environment. Ayfantis explained that Greece saw itself as a country of similar geography and climate as Israel/Palestine that had itself experienced much violence but now lived in peace. In response to our question how an essentially mono-cultural society such as Orthodox Greece could be a model for the Israelis and Palestinians, Ayfantis said Israel/Palestine was similar insofar as it had been partitioned much as Greece, Turkey, and the Balkan countries had been in the early 20th century. Israel now needed to find peace with its neighbors, as Greece had done. PARIS CONFERENCE ---------------- 8. (C) Papaioannou said Deputy FM Petros Doukas would attend the December 17 Paris Donors' Conference and would make a pledge on Greek contributions, which were as yet undecided, though FM Bakoyannis had said Greek projects should be efficient and visible. One option under consideration was a Greek-sponsored hospital for children. Greece would finance, construct, and manage the hospital through a partnership arrangement with a Greek public hospital. Bakoyannis would also seek Greek private donations. Palestinian personnel would be brought to Greece for training, while Greek personnel would be sent to Palestine to work in the hospital. COMMENT ------- 9. (C) The Greeks are obviously very energized about the peace process and want to help. MFA sources tell us PM Karamanlis is somewhat cautious, but FM Bakoyannis is very eager to move ahead. She is driven by an awareness of te importance of the issue and a calculation tht Greek assistance in this area could help Greece's image when it is looking obstreperous on Macedonia and NATO. Bakoyannis is also undoubtedly concerned about her legacy and wants an international success to help offset domestic political blow-back should Greece be forced to swallow a FYROM/Macedonia NATO accession on terms other than its own. 10. (C) Greece's apparent willingness to contribute troops to an international PKO for Gaza is evidence of this strong commitment, particularly in light of Greece's unwillingness to lift caveats on its troops in Afghanistan despite great pressure from NATO allies. Greece would probably also make a good location for negotiations. Close to the Middle East yet in Europe, Greece could be good neutral territory for talks. It also continues to enjoy the benefit of U.S. counterterrorism assistance from the time of the 2004 Olympic Games and has much experience in hosting international visitors. SPECKHARD

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